Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is the best home made facial mask or scrub that will make your face blemish free?

is lemon good for your face?

whats the best cleaners is stores?

i have proactiv and it does not work.What is the best home made facial mask or scrub that will make your face blemish free?
lemon is good...but is very acidic. If you do use lemon, mix if with some other natural ingredient. and is only lemon is used , apply it on your face for maximum 15 mins; more than that it won't do you good rather harm your skin because of it's acidic properties. And people with acne or sensitive skin should avoid lemon. They should consult a dermatologist before using anything on their skin!

mix youghurt, mashed banana and apply onto the face.

If yoghurt is oily for you, use milk powder, mashed banana and some honey. to thin the mixture a little add some rose water. and apply onto skin for 15-20 mins.

Glycerine, lemon juice, rose water. Worked for me. But don't keep it on for too long.

anything you use, you have to be paitient in achieving results. Natural products give long lasting results but take time show effect.

There are plenty of products you can use. Specifically for blemishes on the skin, eveything is good. But i'll short list a few items for you, so that you can mix two or three of these and try on your skin. Wwith home made items you don't have to worry about reactions.

1.Milk(dry to normal. not good for oily skin)


3.Cucumber(the juice; suitable for all skin types and is very good for dark circles and blemishes)

4.Rose water(use this as a toner and a cleanser at night. This is good for the eys as well)

5.Lemon juice(acidic properties; mix with milk only and put it on with a cotton pad, can be applied on oily skin.)

6.Tomato juice is also good for the blemishes on the skin, but this too has acidic properties so don't apply onto skin for a long time. You can slice a tomato and massage skin with the slice in circular motions for about 5 mins. then leave on the contents for about 5 more mins and then wash off with warm water. you can do this everyday. but don't apply it for more than 10 mins

Try these and you can find plenty more on the internet. These were the few things i have personally tried and have worked for me.

And one thing that did wonders to my skin was sandal ubtan mixed with milk(i don't have dry skin). Ubatan can be used anywhere. It even clears your feet off of any blemishes whatsoever!

hope this helps you.

Best of luck!!What is the best home made facial mask or scrub that will make your face blemish free?
Lemon's great for removing oils.

Try grinding up dry oatmeal in a blender and adding yogurt, and rub it on your face. Let sit for about 5 minutes, and wash off.

You can even try apple cider vinegar; here's a website explaining the recipe鈥?/a>

I like Biore's IceWash; it has salicylic acid instead of benzoyl peroxide.
lemon yes. also oatmeal raw with egg is good and let it dry on your face

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