Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A good facial cleanser made from home?

Also, any tips on bacne? I know its super gross. But please.A good facial cleanser made from home?

Apply whole milk to your face with a cotton pad, rub gently and then rinse with water thoroughly.


Cucumber is a real natural cleanser and has been used for this purpose all over the world. A homemade facial cleanser can be made by any of the following recipes;

1. Use a mixture of cucumber juice and milk as a cleanser.

2. Mixture of 1/4 tablespoon lime juice and 1 tablespoon cucumber juice is also used as cleanser.

Milk and Lemon

You can get a number of milk cleansers in the market. However you can get the benefits of milk from fresh and cheap milk at home. Take 1 tablespoon of hot milk. Add 1/4 tablespoon of lime juice. Apply this mixture on your face and neck and wash off after 10 minutes. This lotion cleanses and purifies the pores of the skin.


There is a folk lore of thousands of years about using oatmeal as a natural skin cleanser. The recipe is easy and quick. Take 1/2 cup oatmeal. Add enough curd to form a paste. Apply this mixture on your face. Wash off with warm water.

Ground Rice

Grind rice in a coffee grinder and store in a bottle. Take two table spoons of it and make a paste with some yogurt or water. This will make a good natural face cleanser when applied and rubbed gently.


There are a number of natural ingredients that can truely substitute expansive commercial products and used effectively as natural cleansers for oily skin. These help to remove any dust or other impurities and wipe away excessive oil or sebum. The most popular ones are;

Lemon Juice

Soak a peice of cotton with lemon juice and rub gently over your face in circular motions. This is a good natural cleanser to remove dust and oil. You can add some drops of mint juice to get a refreshing sensation. Mint also acts as an astringent for oily skin.


Any type of vinegar from apple cider to white synthetiv vinegar can be used as a natural facial cleanser. Soak a cotton peice and rub against your face avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm water and gently pat the skin dry.

Dairy Products

Both of the main dairy products that is milk and yogurt can be used as homemade facial cleanser for oily skin. For yogurt just massage gently over the entire face and wipe away with a towel. Afterwards remove any residue with a toner or distilled water. For milk, add some lemon juice and mix well. Now strain and use as a cleanser.

Rose Water

Rose water is a well known for natural facial treatments all over the world particularly in Asian countries.

Just apply over the entire face with a cotton swab and rub gently.

Read more on Natural Recipes for Oily Skin Care.


Surely, we can find a number of items in our kitchen cabinet or grocery shop that can substitue the chemical based synthetic products and serve as natural cleansers for dry skin without possing any harmful effects to our skin and any additional burden on our pockets. These include;

Oatmeal and Honey Cleanser;

You can use a mixture of oatmeal with honey and rub against your facial skin and neck in circular motion, avoiding eye areas. Wait for some time, now rinse with cold water.

Oatmeal and Yogurt

Take some oatmeals and mix them with yogurt, apply to whole face and neck. Keep rubbing against your facial skin but do not forget to be gentle and calm. Let it work for few minutes. Remove the scrub by simply rinsing with cold water. This is equally effective for all skin types and even for sensitive skin.

Cucumber and Milk Cleanser

An easy recipe for homemade cleanser is to take half cucumber, peel and remove the seed portion. Put it in the blender, pour some milk and blend well. Apply over the face and neck and rub gently. To remove wash with luke warm water and pat dry.


Tip: Raw potato can heal those nasty white-heads, slice a potato just a little and rub it on the white-head, leave on for 15 minutes for it to work and then rinse off with warm water.

Tip: Almond Oil and Tea Tree Oil plays an important role in dehydrate the skin to help clear any sign of blemishes, apply at night just before bed.

Tip: Aloe Vera, the best gift for mankind. Aloe Vera is the most amazing product to clear skin, it is best known as clearing away redness, spots, bacteria, blemishes, dry skin conditions and much more. You can get aloe vera gel from any good health shops or chemists.

Tip: Lemon Juice helps a lot when coming to blemishes and pimples just apply with a cotton wool on the deserted area, leave on 15 minutes and then rinse.

Tip: Toothpaste, yes that's right toothpaste, it has an active ingredient inside that helps to reduce the swelling of spots and redness, whenever we use to get a spot, burn, redness, bruise we always applied toothpaste it helped a lot.

Tip: Reduce the appearance of red spots by simply applying ice cube. Get an ice cube and wrap a piece of cloth or a face towel may do. Dab cold water on the covered ice cube. Apply the cube on your spot for 5 seconds then leave, do this in an on and off motion. You will dramatically see a difference.

Tip: Fenugreek leaves which are also known as methi leaves. You can get this from asian supermarkets or chinese herbal shop which are all ready grinded. Get 1 teaspoon of fenugreek leaves and add 1-2 teaspoon of water, mix and make it as a thick paste. Apply to your spots, zits, and acne for 20 minutes. Then wash off using warm water. This will help to reduce the infected area.

Tip: Apply vinegar to pimples using a cotton wool pad. The acidic ingredient in all vinegars helps to flush out the pores.

Make sure you keep your skin clear, try not to touch your face with dirty hands. Prevent from touching, picking or squeezing any sort of spot because you would not like it after as it forms a blemish.

There are many products out there from the high street markets and the internet selling many products to cure acne, do they work? which one works? well that's for you to decide after doing a good search on the product. It's best to give it a shot on the natural side of curing your acne than going for expensive products.

Drink plenty of water, eat fruit and vegetable daily to help you maintain good clear skin, stay away from oily foods as it can generate oil in your skin.

eeks...too long lolA good facial cleanser made from home?
sugar is a great exfoliant's (clears pours), also try oatmeal first blend then make a paste with water and use as a mask. Add things like yogurt, strawberries, all help clear skin. Also strawberries is great at whitening teeth, crush and rub on leave for a while, the fruit acids cleans teeth enamel.
i don't know about face but a good mask is one made of eggs and flour. mix it until it's a bit thicker than cake batter and paste it on. wait for about 5 min. then wash it off
Neutrogena Body wash
Just shower more, and don't pop .

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