Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does anyone know a good at home facial mask that works realy realy well?

for basicaly anythin, clearer skin, moisturizer, toner , i dunno =D

anythin that u can do at home that works realy well?Does anyone know a good at home facial mask that works realy realy well?
I use Avon's Clear Skin products and just love them. The acne pads make my skin feel so smooth after I use one.

Here's a link so you can see the product I'm talking about:鈥?/a>

If your order from this seller, she's really nice. She told me you can also get free shipping if you use coupon code FSANY when you have a rep page to order through.

I've used the astringent, too. It seems to be helping because my skin's been doing better than it used to with some other products. I have a hard time using at home stuff because it makes me break out or itch really bad.Does anyone know a good at home facial mask that works realy realy well?
try this it makes your skin REALLY soft and it clears out oil and gives dry spots hydration-

1/3 honey

1 cup of milk

2/3 sugar

2/3 flour

instructions: put ingridents in a bowl and put in microwave for 30 sec. on 50 power then take it out and mix untill smooth
Oatmeal and honey is really really good and tasty too :D

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