Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anyone know a good at home facial?

I have combination skin at its worse. The T-Zone gets so oily and breaks out all the time, the rest of it so so dry. I would like to get a facial, but dont want to spend the money. Anyone know something I can buy or make that will solve my problems?Anyone know a good at home facial?
Making Your Own Facial Masks

Here are a few all-natural facial masks you can make with ingredients found in your kitchen:

Oatmeal: People with really oily skin often get blackheads. Oatmeal is one way to treat oily skin. It is very dry, so it absorbs oil from the skin. Plus, it's inexpensive and natural.

To use oatmeal to help clear your skin, make a thick paste of oatmeal and water. Apply this mix to your face in the morning and evening. Allow the paste to stay on your face for ten to twenty minutes before rinsing with cool water.

Honey and Apple: Another effective all-natural facial mask for those with oily skin is made from honey and apples. After grating the apple into a fine pulp, mix in four tablespoons of honey and apply to your face for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask after ten minutes is up.

Egg Whites, Witch Hazel and Lemon Juice: Another acne home remedy is a mask made of egg whites, witch hazel and lemon juice. To make this mask, beat an egg white until stiff and add a few drops of witch hazel and a few drops of lemon juice. Spread the mixture over the face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes work wonders for oily skin. After mashing a ripe tomato, drain the juice on paper towels for a few minutes. Next, take the tomato pieces and pat them onto your face as you are lying back. Leave the pieces on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Do this treatment once daily, preferably in the morning.

A Few More Tips

Try to keep from picking at pimples. Dirt under your fingernails gets into the pimple and infects it further.

Also, if your current medication isn't working well, try some of these remedies to see if they'll help. If you're trying old-fashioned therapies and they don't work, ask your physician about prescription medications for relief.鈥?/a>Anyone know a good at home facial?
i would reccomend oatmeal.... or eggs. if u take egg whites and put it all over your face, it creates a great oil-absorbing mask[[of course rinse it off afterwards]]. and also if ur skin get excessively oily, a neat trick is to put baby powder on your face before you go to sleep and in the morning it will have dried up all the excess oils and shrink acne an pimples. works like a charm. :)
oily skin is so dangerous but it also stop wrinkles.u can mix same portion of glycerin and rose water and little bit of lemon and then message with it for some time.may be it will work.
check this link its good


I like the J/A/S/O/N meditation masque- supposed to relax you but it really deep cleans too... and it's sooo much cheaper ($9.50 a tube can last half a year easily) than the spa facials I get sometimes...but with good results. I like the way it doesn't dry but cleans well- and it shrinks pores on the nose really well. I smear it on when I get home from work and put my stuff away. In about 10 minutes it's dry and i pop into the shower and wash it it everyday for a week and I swear your skin looks great...forehead junk gets a lot better with sleep...

Oatmeal is good for cleansing but can be drying. And I wouldn't reccomend making stuff because it can harbour lots of bacteria than can worsen inflammation if you've got sensitive skin.

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